Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tractor Beams - Oh Yeah!

Spock, say it isn’t so … yet another technology from the fiction of Star Trek is going to become a reality. And no, it won’t be tomorrow – but eventually.

The Tractor Beam is in development. My hope is that you are like me, a die-hard Trekker. If you’re thinking Trekkie then you can stop reading now and move on to the next Blog. If you’re still here and still curious, but only have a vague idea of what a Tractor Beam is, then read on.

A Tractor Beam is a light source that can trap and move objects.

Think about holding a small flashlight – aim the light at an object and then move the object across the room. All that, with a flashlight. Cool Huh!!

With one of those in hand, it’d be the last time my kids talk back to me. J

Now for you real Trekkers – what was the first episode in which the Tractor Beam was introduced … if memory serves, the Enterprise used a Tractor Beam to tow the SS Botony Bay – but of course on the big screen, Khan came back. Everyone stand up with me and scream KKHHHAAAANNNNN!!!!

NASA recently stumbled upon some free time after having retired the Space Shuttle program. So one morning over coffee, a few of their engineers watched a rerun of Star Trek. The episode showed Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge (TNG, thank you very much) moving something with a Tractor Beam Lift; a space age fork-lift. A few conversations later and NASA moved one cup of coffee closer to turning fiction into fact.

Of course the above NASA conversations are pure fabrication, but who’s to say motivations didn’t really happen that way. Quite a few television shows we watched in years past have had elements of it show up as a reality today. Look no further than the iPod – seems a lot like a Tricorder. Doesn’t it ?  And I am sure I am not the only one still Dreaming of Jeannie. Won't be long before someone comes up with an I Dream of Jeannie App.

So what did happen? A nice amount of funding landed at the feet of NASA Scientist. The requested task … to study the corralling of particles to be moved using a laser beam. Pretty Wicked stuff.
The original thinking was to build out this technology to help NASA clean up the Space Debris. They do leave a lot of Junk up there. Later the project scope was expanded to a more general one – a Tractor Beam.

So what else can you build with this technology??  Order Netflix and watch every episode of Star Trek. That includes the original series, TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise. Watch them once and when you’re done, watch them again. Once you have an established Trekker foundation in place, it won’t take long before you recognize that many flavors of Tractor Beam technology can be used everywhere. I want a mini concentrated graviton pulse to cut my steak.

As a side, I hear Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and HTC are already queuing up their Patent attorneys for the inevitable Tractor Beam Smart Phone Features.  Can’t wait to see an App for that.

Now, say it loud and proud with me One More Time – KHAN!! 

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