Friday, September 30, 2011

The subsidized Tablet

While not an emerging technology - the business practice Amazon is fostering is new and will change the face of Tablet computing as an emerging technology.

The Amazon Kindle Fire is priced at a third the cost of other Android based tablets. The advantage to Amazon being they can afford to subsidize the tablet costs with expectations of selling content. Only Apple is in a position to compete in the tablet market in a same manner given they too offer content.

Where does this leave all other tablet makers ??  Who knows? Most will change up their model and be provider of hardware to Amazon or Apple but IMO most will fade away.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Kindle Color is on its way

While Kindle changed the way we read books, much criticism received is over the limitations of the Kindle. Specifically that the Kindle's functionality was limited.

Whoever said the Kindle was supposed to do more than offer a platform for reading eBooks?

Rest assured for all you Kindle fans feeling the pinch of not being able to do more - the Kindle Color is on its way.

Leveraging a forked thread of Android, the newest Kindle will now do more such as watching movies or Netflix, play games, browse the web and yes it will still read books.